About Me

Karollyns World

Karollyns World 2

name: Karolina

country: Poland

city: Warszawa

Blogerka, Projektantka w VEN, Stylistka / Blogger , Fashion Designer in VEN, Stylist

Moje osiągnięcia do tej pory

Jestem filozofem z wykształcenia, ukończyłam też podyplomowe polsko-amerykańskie studia z zarządzania i marketingu. Ukończyłam kursy dla stylistów, kurs projektowania i szycia I i II stopnia oraz mam dyplom Lubelskiej Szkoły Sztuki i Projektowania na kierunku projektowanie ubioru.

 (ENG) My achievements so far : 

I am a philosophy master, also finished postgraduate polish-american studies of business and marketing. I finished a few courses for stylists, sewing&design, have a diploma from Lublin Art & Design School in Fashion Design.

metka VEN Karolina Wenczuk białaVEN to moja autorska marka ubrań / VEN is my original clothing brand

Obserwuj VEN na Facebooku / Follow VEN on Facebook: 



Follow Karollyn’s World on Instagram:


karollynsworld on instagram

Instagram for my brand – VEN : https://www.instagram.com/venbyven/ven on instagram


My profile on lookbook : http://lookbook.nu/karollynsworld

Follow me on bloglovin : http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/3895714/karollyns-world

My profile on chictopia : http://www.chictopia.com/karollynsworld

My profile on stylio.pl :  http://stylio.pl/moja-szafa/?userId=122020

imagesim bloggingwhy-arent-you-blogging

i love blogging 2

Zapraszam do odwiedzin częściej! 😉

Enjoy my blog and visit me more often! 😉

With Love

Karollyn’s World

65 myśli w temacie “About Me

  1. Hi Karollyn!! My name is Sara, i am an Italian girl and i am in Warsaw for one year for study reason. I would like to ask you the name of the sewing school you go, because is one of my passion and i want to continue also here to practice and learn new things!!
    Thank You for the informations…

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

    1. Hello Sara, Nice to meet You 🙂 I go to an art school but not in Warsaw, it’s in Lublin – my home town, so I go there every 2 weeks for the weekend. But there are many schools in Warsaw, im just not sure if they teach in English or other languages than Polish.. never checked it. Maybe I should think of opening mine school in the future 😀


  2. Nice reading about you

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Be in touch. Browse through the category sections, I feel you may find something of your interest.

    Happy New Year !!!!!!! and best wishes for you in 2014 🙂

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

      1. Hi Karollyn,

        Ah, no, you deserve the compliment. I would ask other men, they would say the same thing, hehe. 🙂

        And it is great to connect with you as well anyway. I hope we can share a lot along our journey, you with you fashion world and I with my dream of becoming an international author. 🙂

        Thank you and many blessings and much love to you. 🙂

        Subhan Zein


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